Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Outer Banks - Family Photos

Guys - I think Ryan died a little inside when he realized that we were doing family pictures twice this year, less than 2 weeks apart.  HAHAHA!  But, I mean...look how good these turned out?  Can you blame us for wanting to do this?

Mom's been wanting to hire a photographer to do a family session for us for SO LONG.  I mean...probably ever since the older girls were born we've been trying our best to do something like this ourselves and we've had some success...but let me tell ya, there's something to just having someone do what they do best for you.

The weather wasn't the best on the night we had pictures scheduled.  It was on the edge of rain...we actually saw lightening in the distance (too bad we didn't catch it on film!).  It was windy!  Really really windy.  The sand was blowing at about knee height (for the adults) which meant it was just at eye height for Lincoln and Hazel.  But, yet again, our little family was a trooper and we ended up with some great shots because of it!

Gah!  She looks like a little teenager.  Lord help us all!

I love this one!  It's going in a frame for sure!

I'm so lucky that I get to do life with this family!  I have the most amazing tribe.  I love these people so damn much!

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