Thursday, August 16, 2018

Abby's First Day of School - 1st Grade

Abby turned six on Tuesday and on Wednesday she started first grade.  The world is moving a little too fast for me these days...and I'm going to politely ask it to slow the heck down. 

Abby did amazing with her first day.  Not a single sign of nerves and she was just so excited to see all her friends again.  Armed with her cat backpack and her unicorn shoes she was ready to go in a way that I NEVER was as a kid.  She's got plenty of her Daddy in her that way. 

And, thanks Erin for the great first day sign, yet again.  You are so much more talented than I am...sorry, you can't move far away because you've inherited this job for the foreseeable future.  K, thanks!

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