Friday, August 10, 2018

Dear Hazel (age 3)

My dear sweet Hazel,

You are the kindest, sweetest little girl with a heart of gold.  You are loud and everything I imagine a second child to be.  You don't want to be left unnoticed and you'll use your volume to make sure your opinions are heard.  You might be smaller than your sister...but you've got her beat on volume any day.  At age 3, you have lots of opinions and you are very independent.  You want to try things on your own and do things for yourself.  You want to be just like your big sister but in your very own way.

Favorite Toy:  Your favorite toy is, by far, your dolls.  Well, your "dolly" takes the top spot...the little raccoon that Erin actually gave Abby for her first Christmas.  Dolly is #1, always and forever, but your babies are a very close second.  I wouldn't say you prefer one over the just prefer your babies over any other toy.  It's rare for you to leave the house without toting one with us.  You are the sweetest Mommy to play with dolls in a way that Abby never really did.  You feed them, dress them, change their diapers, put them to bed, push them around and everything in between.  You are a little Mommy through and through and I love watching you mother to these babies.

Favorite Movie: Moana - hands down.  You've loved it for over a year now and I imagine you will continue to love it for years to come.  You even have some of the lines memorized!  When we were at the Dells this spring I sat on the sidelines watching you talking to yourself and pointing at the took me a few minutes to realize that you were replaying the scene where Moana yells at the ocean saying "Fish pee in you....all day".  I about died laughing.  You stood there reenacting it in your own little world for over 20 minutes.

Lately you've been realizing that things happened before you were born.  When Abby will ask me about something that happened when she was younger or I'll be telling a story about something that happened before you were born, you'll quickly ask "and me???"  with a little sadness in your voice.  You just don't want to be left out of anything and while you can't quite understand that things may have happened before you were even born you hate knowing that you didn't get to go.  Don't worry little're stuck with us from here on out, whether you like it or not.

Fears: BUGS!  Hands down...bugs.  I know you got it from your sister.  She taught you to scream "bug" and go running whenever you see one, but you really are afraid of them.  I'm sure the Mayfly hatch at Devils Lake this spring did NOT help anything.  Ever since then, whenever we say we're going to the immediately ask "are we going to the bug beach".  I'm sure we've traumatized you but I"m hoping a nice cold winter of few bugs will cure you of this and we'll start fresh next summer.  We'll see....

Bears or Packers: I'd love to say that there was a definitive answer here but I really don't think there is.  You'll happily wear either set of colors - though, if I'm being honest, you do call ALL football related gear your "go bears" outfit.  I'm not willing to say that means you are a Bears fan.  I'd prefer to call it "confused".

You LOVE dress up - your absolute favorite is wearing Abby's old ballet outfits.  Anything sparkly and especially anything with dress shoes.  You've always loved socks and shoes...ever since you were little.  But high heeled dress up shoes, now that's your jam.  You love to put on all the long dresses, get out the gloves, get the dress shoes on and then load up a bag, a purse, a picnic basket...heck, even a suit case with just about anything you can get your hands on and then drag it around the house.  You know it makes me crazy when the toys get all mixed up (the food is with the dishes...then you add in necklaces and a few shopkins) but it's your favorite thing to do and I love you for it!

Favorite TV show: You're happy to watch just about anything that's on TV.  We don't have much TV time during the day (only after 6:30 pm) but when it's'll watch whatever is on.  I think two of your favorites are Puppy Dog Pals and Fancy Nancy (but that's just because it's new).

Favorite Color: I'm going to go with Purple here.  I'm not confident that that's your real opinion, but that's my general guess.  You'll often say you like blue but that's only because that's Abby's favorite color and if there is one thing you's to be like your big sister.

You are just getting into coloring and into having little journals like your sister.  You didn't use to care much for the art activities but I'm seeing you ask for them more and more and you often come home with little pictures you've made at daycare.  I love your little scribbles and doodles so much...I hang them at my desk at work, on the art board at home and just about anywhere I can squeeze them in.

Favorite Foods: This is an easy one because you are such a good eater.  You LOVE most kids do.  I swear you guys would just live on snacks alone if I'd let you.  But, of all things, I think cheese is your most favorite food - just like Daddy.  You'll eat just about anything.  Fruit, veggies, even fish, even sushi.  You are a much better eater than Abby was at this age, and I love you for that!

Favorite Outfit: Until a few days ago I'd have had a hard time coming up with an answer for this one....but, the other day you were being a stinker and didn't want to get dress.  I convinced you that a little rainbow dress made you look like one of the My Little Ponies (Rainbow Dash) and now you request to wear that dress every. single. day.  We've only had full on meltdowns twice about not being able to wear it because it's dirty - thankfully.  We're going to have to find something new once it turns cooler...but for now, that's the first thing you want to wear once the laundry is done for the week.

Height/Weight:  We had your yearly checkup back in early June and you weigh just under 30 lbs and are just under 36 inches tall.  You are pretty similar to your sister at this age.

Hazel, my sweet girl.  I don't know what we'd do without you.  You are so special and we love you so so much.

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