Monday, August 27, 2018

Dear Abby (age 6)

Dear Abby

This year instead of me answering these questions based on what I THINK you'd say, I figured you were old enough to answer them yourself.  What's funny is that before I decided to ask you I'd started writing up this post and had already answered a few of them.  I can'd decide if I was surprised or not that I knew almost all of the answers you gave me.  Go Mom!!

Favorite Movie: The Incredibles  - but to be fair, you really are much more open and interested in watching new and or different things.  The other day I wanted to watch the Little Mermaid and while you've seen in before, you were really into it this time.  You love going to see new movies at the theater too.  I mean, what kid wouldn't.  But, it seems like this is a little thing you and Grammy have gotten into in the last few years.  She's actually taken you to see more movies than I have.  And you know what, I'm ok with that!  I love that you have things you do with her...traditions and memories I get to hear about.

Bears/Packers: You'll say both (and you did!).  You are careful to please and you know that I love the Packers and Daddy loves the Bears.  You don't want to hurt either of our feelings and you don't want to take sides so you play the middle.  I'm sure you'll pick one day...until then...we'll both keep pushing you to our individuals favorites.

Favorite Toy: Your cat stuffed animals.  You have a million of them now, but your "kitty" is your favorite.  Its a white beanie baby toy that you got somewhere along the way.  I think if we got you a cat you'd lose your mind.  You ask for one about every week.  But, I think I wrote about it in your birthday post but we aren't giving in until you offer to clean the litter box. 

I'm a little bummed that Owie has taken a back seat to the cats, but they are still around and going strong.  I'd say they are strong seconds to your cats.  In fact, they often serve as blankets to your cats or dolls when you are playing so they are still in a strong rotation around here.  And they ALWAYS get packed when we go away for the weekend.

Favorite TV show:  Vamparina - a very strange show that Disney came out with last Halloween.  They've kept it going with new non-halloween themed shows and if I'm honest, it's pretty clever.  Vamparina is from Transylvania and she and her family move to Pennsylvania where they use the World Wide Spider Web to promote their ScareBnB.  I gotta give them credit for that, right?

Anyways, you and your sister watch Disney channel exclusively.  We usually only watch TV at two points during a regular day.  A few minutes when you wake up in the morning and then from 6:30-7:30 before it's bedtime.  It's your time to settle down and my time to get a few things done around the house while you are mostly occupied.  We've done this routine since we moved to this house just over 2 years ago and it works for us.  Sometimes you ask to watch before 6:30 and you don't give me too much grief when I say we can't.  Then you go an find something to play with, start a game with your sister or do something in your room.  I'd say over the last year you and Hazel have been so much better about playing nicely together.  You come up with games, role play, do crafts and all sorts of things. 

Favorite Outfit: Pink and while flower dress - I honestly had no idea what you'd say for this one.  This is a cute little spaghetti strap dress I bought last summer for you and it still fits this year.  It's funny, you still fit in most of your 3T clothes even this summer.  I cleaned out all of your drawers a few weeks ago and pull anything below 5T.  Your sister is in 2T for now but she's sizing up soon and we've already gotten 2 summers out of most of those clothes.  Its been great for my pocket book.

You are so sweet and you still let me buy all of your clothes and let me pick out your outfits most days.  I'm sure that won't last forever so I'm going to cherish it while it lasts.  I love that you still let me pick.

The nightgown in the picture above was actually mine as a child.  I can't believe Mom saved it for me all these years and you are finally big enough to wear it.  Grammy makes you outfits a few times a year - usually pjs and I just can't get enough of you girls wearing them.  I'm going to save all the things she makes you so that I can pass them down to you someday just like she did for me.  I hope you get as much joy out of that someday as I do!

Fears:  You hate it when I "leave you".  I mean, I'm not actually leaving you, I'm just walking away from the car in most cases.  Like, you are still slowly getting all the toys or things you think you need to take with you and I'm already out the door on my third or fourth trip when you start yelling (half crying) "Don't leave without me Mom".  It makes me crazy in the moment..I'm not leaving you kiddo.  But now, as I write this story down, I think I need to have more patience and treasure that you want me near right now.

If we're talking real, honest fears...I suppose I'd say bugs and maybe the dark?  You aren't really afraid of the dark but you DO want to have a big lantern on in your room each night.  We waste a LOT of batteries that way.  In fact we just had to have a whole conversation about changing them just today.  Even though we have three nightlights in your room, a lantern or a flash light are a must most nights. 

And, you and your sister and bugs!  How did we raise kids that hate bugs as much as you guys do?  We are camping, or at least outside every single weekend...and often on the weekdays.  How in the world can you be so afraid of a dang fly I'll never know!!

Favorite Food: Butter Noodles.  About 2 years ago I decided I was done cooking two meals (one for adults and one for kids) and it's taken a LOT of time and a lot of arguments but for the most part you eat what we eat.  Some things, like fish or sushi I just don't even try with...but if we're eating something pretty 'normal' you'll be eating it right along side us.  Implementing this has been great for you and for me!

Favorite Color:  Blue.  Always and forever blue.  There is no question in my mind that this is your favorite.  It always has been...probably always will be!

Height/Weight:  40 lbs and 3 feet 8 inches - you are definitely on the small size for your age.  But you are one of the youngest in your class with a birthday just a few short weeks before the official cut off.  At your last doctor appointment you were in the 10% for your height and less than 5% for your weight.

I have big dreams for you little girl.  Keep being the kind, smart, sensitive, sweet girl you've always been and you'll go far.  I can't wait to see what you accomplish!

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