Monday, September 21, 2020

Baby Quilts - COVID edition


Guys - I have SO MANY quilts to share with you.  Believe it or not, if you lock us down and keep us in the house, canceling all of our plans, I can get a LOT of quilts made in a 6 month span.  For the first time since I started quilting nearly 7 years ago, I have baby quilts fully complete, just waiting on new babies to be in the pipeline.  I'm AHEAD!  I made quilts for babies that are still a twinkle in their parent's eyes!  

That being said, the blue quilt is already snatched up and headed to Liz and Bobby for Baby Boy Mac (That's not his real name...that's just what I'm calling him for now), due to arrive in mid December.  The pink girl quilt still doesn't have a home, but I'm posting them here as a pair because it doesn't seem like it'll be long before this one has a home either.

Both were made from metallic confetti dot fabric that I feel in LOVE with when it first came out.  I mean, that blue quilt looks like the night sky.  The blue one is by far my favorite of the two, but that bubble gum pink is hard to pass up.  I used the Robert Kaufman's Essex Linen for the contrasting fabric.  I've used it in quite a few quilts and I'm always pleased with the result.  It makes for a great soft fabric with a denim like look.

We quilted the blue quilt in a pattern called Splat that I love!!  And the pink quilt is quilted in a pattern called Knit 1 Purl 2 which makes me laugh because the other main craft that I do is why know quilt with a knit named pattern?  Ok, it's probably only funny to me.  

Both quilts measure 52x45 which really is a very nice size for a baby quilt.  Large enough to be a good play mat for when they are tiny but big enough to cover them up long into their childhood years.  I've realized over time that I tend to prefer my quilts bigger than the patterns call for.  I just finished a lap quilt that was 56x56 and that just seems TOO SMALL for me!!  I mean, I want to snuggle under a blanket and not have my tootsies hanging out getting cold.  Something for me to pay attention to when I pick patterns and fabric amounts.  

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