Friday, May 31, 2024

Abby's Last Tooth

Celebrating firsts comes easily, but lasts, lasts are a little harder to capture because you don't always know when it'll be the "last" time something happens.  Firsts are easier to recognize.  But, we knew that Abby just had one baby tooth left to loose and just a little bit again, it finally fell out and we can officially call this blog post a "last".

For a kiddo that's been so scared of the dentist and anything tooth related, this was a big milestone for us.  Braces, and losing the last baby teeth, age 11 has brought a lot of change and a lot of growth and I'm really really proud of this little lady for navigating it all with so well.  We've come a long way in the last year or two and I'm just wanting to celebrate some little successes!

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