Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Memorial Day 2024


Memorial Day 2024 - the weekend we gained a fisher in the family.  Well, that's not true!  Abby fell for fishing last summer when we were at Voyagers and she caught her first Northern, but, since then, she's been ready to pick up a pole whenever someone will help her.  And, Memorial Day weekend she caught a handful of fish right off the pier in the middle of the day.  Nick's girlfriend Jess was so sweet when she came down with a pole and nightcrawlers to see if any of the kids wanted to fish.  Abby immediately got on the train, grabbing her pole from the camper and the rest was history.

As you can imagine the kids flocked when the first fish came out of the lake and I'm sure there was a lot of pole and hook management happening down there with all the little swarming.  But, they all had a great time and Abby's got some good memories to go with it.

Lake weekends are always fun with all the family there.  Each weekend brings a slightly different collection of family, with the big holiday weekends drawing the biggest crowds.  I think this year we had around 15 people staying between the two houses and then Jenny and family rented one down the street bringing us to 20 total.  Actually one of the lighter weekends we've had in recent years.

The weather was cooler, and it rained at least for a few hours each day, but it didn't stop us from getting out on the pontoon or the pier when the sun was out and taking advantage of the sun and blue sky when we could get it!

This year we tried something a little different!  A ladies trip to two wineries about 45 minutes away to celebrate Meg's 40th.  We got a good little group together, rented a little mini bus to drive us around and spent a lovely afternoon together just laughing and chatting and catching up.  

We really had a great day!  The bus was a little hard on me with my motion sickness and it turns out Meg might have the same "itis"  - but we made it home and out of the van without anyone getting sick.  

We won't be back to the lake until Labor Day, but we've got lots of summer to live between then and now and I'm looking foward to everything in between!

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