Monday, June 10, 2024

Cuzzies Camping 2024

I told you!  We have a little fisherman on our hands!  Maybe she'll be a competitive fisher?!  I heard she's even taking her own fish off the hook and bating her own pole.  That's step one!

I nearly scrapped Cuzzies camping this year, thinking we had too many trips planned and that it was really just us that loved it.  But, thanks to Liz we pulled together a pretty good sized group.  We decided to go back to the same campground we went to last year (thanks to Ryan for being willing to pull the group together last summer) - a campground in Michigan City.  The drive stinks, but it's close to the dunes, there are tons of things to do in the area (not that we ever really do much on these trips) and probably the biggest selling point is that availability of little cabins for all the non-camper/non-tent families in our group.  Oh!  And it had a heated pool which was so great for all the kiddos!

(Zach, doing the Lords work and hauling all of our chairs with his ice fishing sled.  I'm not sure if it was a good choice for his lungs, but we were all glad for his effort!)

The weather was set to rain on Saturday but we lucked out and it held off until later in the evening.  We got a few hours in at the beach and the weather was actually perfect for it.  It was cool and cloudy so we didn't sweat our butts off at the beach.  When the sun did come out we all found ourselves wishing for the clouds again and heading down the water to try and cool off.

The water was cold, but it didn't stop some of the kids from swimming.  

The highlights of the trip?  This cute puppy (Jamie's new puppy, Rooster) and the cute baby in the picture below (Baby Liam, Liz and Bobby's new peanut).  I mean...come on!  Of course they are the could they not be?!

Everyone else's favorite photo?!  This one that Jamie just happened to catch when the camper awnings dumped a ton of water right as she was grabbing a pic of RooRoo and I.  Ryan says I should make it my profile pic and honestly, I'm considering it!

Kicking myself for not getting a real group picture of us, but, we do pretty good at grabbing them when we're all together so I feel like missing this one is ok.  I always feel this way...that they are a lot of work to coordinate and that nobody REALLY wants to take it when we're doing it...but you know who is never sad to have one?!  This girl!

And - another first for the year.  Our first time ever buying real fireworks.  We're spending the 4th of July here at the house this year so we stopped on our way home (and still in Indiana) and grabbed what we hope will be a great show for our front yard on the 4th.  The kids are excited, and honestly, so am I!

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