Thursday, December 16, 2021

Christmas Lights

We live in a relatively rural area where there aren't a ton of neighborhoods and houses meaning that round us, there aren't a ton of houses all lit up for Christmas.  Add in that we aren't currently doing after school activities (like gymnastics or ballet or whatever) and all of a sudden I realized that the kids don't really get to see many Christmas lights.  So, a couple of weeks ago when we were out and about (getting them a COVID test to go to the musical later that weekend), I decided that since everyone was happy, and I wanted Sushi, we'd drive around "in town" looking at all the lights.  I forget, as an adult, how much JOY the simple lights bring to the kids.  I got to spend the evening seeing things through their eyes and honestly, I think that's what makes this season so special.  It's like we all get to be little kids again, even just for a bit.  

But, that night of driving around was NOTHING compared to the light display Mom found for us this year.  One evening a week or so ago we met them in Rockford, along the river and walked through the most magical little area.  It wasn't huge, the perfect size for an evening adventure.  It was free, it was outside and not at all crowded...and bonus!  There was a hot chocolate truck outside (Mom even thought to bring some "adult add-ins").  

It was a really nice, low key holiday activity for us and I think everyone was glad we did it!

If you're local to Rockford, it's called All Aglow and it's located in the Nicholas Conservatory.  Worth the drive!  Plus, look at all these great pictures.  Hard to not smile when you see all those beautiful lights.

Man, I love these humans so much!

Oh, and I couldn't help but include these sweet letters here for posterity.  Hazel's says "Dear Santa, We've been good this year.  I hope I get everything on my Christmas list.  Love Hazel".  I love those little letters so much!  It's such a short time between those adorable wobbly letters and the letters of a fourth grader (below).  Goes by in the blink of an eye!


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