Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

Well, Christmas has come and gone and the year is nearly wrapped up.  I can not believe how fast it all goes.  I swear I remember thinking back in January that the year would fly by and if I'm honest, I had NO IDEA just how fast it would go. 

Abby's second Christmas was very different from her first.  Not only is she fully mobile, but she's got her own little personality and we can definitely understand what she wants.  By the time we got to our third round of presents on Christmas day she was finally getting the hint.  She walked right up to the Christmas tree at David and Corda's and started grabbing at presents.  "These are all for me right?!?!"  Poor peanut didn't quite understand that no, they weren't so that brought on some tears.  She was much happier when it was time for everyone to sit down and start opening (course, having a few of her own to open helped too). 

A month after getting our own tree up I sort of figured she'd be over pulling at the ornaments.  Nope, wrong.  Much to Ryan's chagrin, our tree came down the day after Christmas.  I'm so happy be done constantly reminding Abby that the ornaments are "pretty" and not to pull at them.  In fact, I told Ryan that I identified with the Christmas story the Grinch.  Hold on...let me explain.  In that story they say his heart grew two sizes that day (Christmas).  I told Ryan that I feel like the day we take down the decorations my HOUSE grows two sizes!  Don't get me wrong, I love to festivity of it all and I love how pretty the living room looks when it's lit by the lights of the tree....but I swear it's like you've got a whole new house when you finally take it all down!

Abby made out great this year!  She got a ton of clothes (which she could care less about but I love!) and toys to fill up a whole room.  She got a tractor, a bowling set, books, a bath frog (that is awesome by the way!), a fake iPad, puzzles, two baby dolls, a tool belt and a full workbench (so she can work like Daddy), a really cool wooden snail, some mega blocks, and a really cool fox sweater (that I can't find the link later).  I'm sure I'm forgetting some things because the house is packed and Abby is in seventh heaven but she loves everything and we are so thankful for family and friends that love us so much.  We are one lucky family!

**See, finally getting the idea of present opening :O)

Christmas was a long day for all of us (especially Abby).  She did great considering we drove over 150 miles and went to three houses in one day.  She got in a nice long nap at Dan and Ellyn's which I was SO grateful for.  I got to sit down and eat brunch slowly at my own pace and enjoy every bite instead of trying to feed her and rushing to finish to occupy her when she decided she was finished eating.  When she finally woke up from her nap she had her own personal brunch complete with french toast casserole, quiche and fruit. 

But, in typical baby fashion, no matter how many cool toys she got we weren't surprised that this one occupied her for a full 10 minutes.  Gotta love kids!

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