Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day bike ride

We got home from NYC late on Saturday night (more on that in another post later this week) so we had the whole day Sunday to celebrate Father's Day.  Ry decided to go from a solo bike ride for a few hours in the morning, but when he got back we decided to try our one of our newest toys for Abby.

She doesn't look too excited in the picture above, but I tell you what, she loved it!  She even fell asleep on the ride home.  We must have really tuckered her out in New York.

There's a great little prairie path right by our house so we headed over there for a 7-ish mile ride.  It was just the perfect distance for her first time out.  She seemed to be pretty happy in her little cart.  Of course, she was most excited about the straps she could play with.

Dabber is still small, so we had to use a pillow to prop her up, but it made for a nice cushy ride for her.

Happy Father's Day daddy!!!

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