Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Snow Day


It's been snowing, and snowing, and snowing around here these days.  We have a few back to back storms that dumped 6-8 inches on us back to back and now, it's frigid cold, but still snowing!  Ryan looked at the forecast this morning and he said we're set to get about an inch each day for the rest of the week.  An inch in and of itself isn't a lot, but and inch on top of an inch on top of an inch adds up! 

We had one warm-ish day last week sometime and Ryan was smart and decided to spend some time pushing the show back from the driveway because we've got no where to push it to these days!  That time was well served because now I've got some space to work while he's in Dallas in the coming weeks.  

We're all day dreaming about spring and warmer temps but for now we're doing our best to try and enjoy the winter - it doesn't last forever!  This year the girls are LOVING all things snow, which is good, because each day I bet they spend around 2 hours outside at school between mask breaks, recess and gym, they are out in the snow for a good part of the day....which, makes my heart happy!  

They are outside so much now that I even upgraded all their snow clothes to warmer, better, stronger stuff.  Since kids grow so fast, I've been content to just pick up the stuff at Target and Walmart in the past, but this year we needed better stuff.  Believe it or not, Feb is NOT the time to buy snow clothes though!  LOL!  In just another day or two they'll have new gear that hopefully stays dry longer.  

A few weekends back, we got one of our 8 inch snows on a Sunday and it was really so lovely!  Nobody had anywhere to go, and nothing to do so we played outside in the snow with the kids for hours!  Erin and the girls made this cute snow man, Ryan piled the snow fort HIGH with new snow and we used it as a small sled hill....but by far the biggest hit is the awesome sledding path Ryan made with the girls.  It's near the corner of our house where we typically sled.  The hill itself isn't very steep, but Ryan groomed the sled path perfectly, added to it some FREEZING temps, making it slick and fast, and some snow steps to "climb" back up and we've got a pretty good sled run these days.  The kids play on it a few times a week and are dying for Stella and Lucy to come over and play on it with them.  

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