Monday, August 19, 2019

McGrath Family Photos 2019

I'll keep it short and sweet so you can spend your time scrolling through these awesome pictures of the family for 2019.  These photo sessions always yield my favorite photos of the year so it was a no-brainer to book with the same photographer we've used for the last three years.  If you are local and looking for someone, let me know, I'd HAPPILY recommend Erika.

The morning of family pictures the girls were all excited - they knew we had this planned for the afternoon and they were very into it.  Of course, that meant that I found them in the bathroom putting tattoos on each other "To make us pretty" - of course.  And then you've got sweet Hazel with 12 bracelets, a crazy headband...and let's not forget her newly self-cut bangs.  My first reaction was to tell them they couldn't do it and to start taking it all off.  But then I realized, this is just us, right now, in our lives.  And, it'll be all too soon when they outgrow self-stick tattoos and plastic bracelets and headbands.  So, I decided to embrace it all.  Here's us in 2019.  In 40 years when I look back on these, I'll be glad I left it just as they are!

I got over 150 images from the shoot and here are some of my favorites.  I know I've picked too many, but I don't care.  Enjoy!!


  1. Oh my goodness... these pictures are stunning and your girls are gorgeous!! It would be so hard to pick just a few! (I love the story about the tattoos and bracelets!)

  2. Brittany - you are SOOOO SWEET!! I hope you and the family are doing well.
