Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dear Abby (age 7)

My dear sweet Abby –

I can hardly believe you are seven today!  Seven years ago today I was snuggling you tight in my arms thinking how our whole lives had changed in the matter of a few hours.  You were tiny and perfect and all together ours and we knew that we were about to embark on the grandest of adventures – parenting!  Well, now, seven years later I can honestly say that while we’ve learned a lot, and you’ve taught us a lot, we still have lots and lots to learn!  You were a sweet baby, a great sleeper and overall easy peasy!  As you grew into toddlerhood and started to share your own little personality we learned that you are so much like me in many many ways.  We tease you that you will probably never been an endurance athlete (don’t worry, I won’t either) and that you are the slowest poke (it’s true…you are the queen of dawdling) but you are also so kind and so thoughtful.  You want so much for us to praise you and be proud of you.  You work hard and you are so so smart!  You are going into second grade in just a few short days and you are already reading at the third grade level, you are a great speller (I was NOT), you are a rule follower and you have a very kind heart.  You are sensitive and aware of how your actions or actions of others affect people and of all the things I hope for you, I hope most of all that you continue to be KIND.   Above all else, be kind.

Favorite Toy: You’ve always gravitated towards art stuff.  A few years ago you told me you wanted to be an artist when you grow up and when you were little, I even had a hashtag for you, #artistabby.  You are really good at following directions, so things like Kiwi crates and pearler bead patterns are always a hit for you.  But, you also always remember what Bubby told you one Thanksgiving: “There are no rules in art”!  You are good at painting and getting much better at coloring….though, you are still pretty messy at coloring.  I think you get bored! 

BUT… I can’t have a category called “Favorite Toy” without mentioning what is, without a doubt, your favorite toy – your owls.  You still sleep with them every night and you still take them in the car just about anywhere we go.  They travel with us on vacations and they are right next to you at night when you sit down to watch a little TV before bed.  They have been, and still are your most favorite toy!

Favorite Food: You, my dear, are a creature of habit!!  You know what you like and I’m finding after writing these now for a few years that not a whole lot changes year to year for you.  Your favorite food is hands down, buttered noodles.  You also like cereal, chicken nuggets, Daddy Mac and Cheese (Velveta…yuck!), and SPAGHETIOS!  Actually, now that I remembered that I almost feel like I should swap that in as your favorite food.  It is a toss-up, that’s for sure.  You will literally eat an entire can all by yourself (Mom award for feeding you food from a can…eye roll!).  But, you also like lots of healthy things too.  You drink lots of milk, much more than your sister does.  And you like strawberries, apples and raspberries the best…and canned peaches.  YUCK!  HAHA!  More canned foods for the win around here.  In first grade you learned a lot about eating healthy foods and what that means and it’s helped you get a little better about trying new things.  About two years ago I put my foot down that I wasn’t cooking kid meals in addition to the main meals Daddy and I were eating and it was a struggle early on, and I would NOT consider us totally over the fight, but I do think we’re over the hump on that whole thing and while you might not actually like what we’re having as a family, you know that you have to eat it.  The rule is if you don’t finish your dinner, you don’t get a treat and that has been working pretty well for us.  Though, we DID have to add in a 30 minute timer because, man can you dawdle.  One hour plus meals are a REAL thing around here and I’m over it!

Favorite Color: Easy, blue.  It’s been blue since you were like 2.  It’s not changed!

Bears/Packers:  Another one that hasn’t changed over the years.  You know that I like the Packers and Daddy like the Bears and you are the ultimate politician when you say “sometimes I like the Bears and sometimes I like the Packers”.  HA!  I think someday you’ll pick one and stick to it!  Or…maybe you’ll be into college football more?  We’re taking you and Hazel to the Wisconsin/Purdue game in late November.  I have a feeling Daddy is going to have you decked out in Purdue gear…much to Grandma and Papa’s dismay.  

Favorite TV show:  Like your sister, you don’t often get to pick what you watch on TV.  It’s just whatever’s on between 6:30-7:30 pm BUT….when you DO get to pick you’ve been watching a show called Tot’s on Disney Junior.

Some firsts this year:
·        Learning to ride a bike – It’s true!  You DO know how to do it….but you are totally against doing it for some reason.  You’ve convinced yourself you can only ride in the grass and only on totally flat ground.  Getting you to practice is a total fight and it causes a lot of whining and near tears so Daddy and I have decided that as some point you are going to WANT to ride and you’ll have the courage to try it then…but for now we’re going to stop asking and stop pushing you to do it.  You can!  I’ve seen you…but it has to be your choice and for that we’re going to just wait it out.
·         Losing a tooth – First grade (and 6) brought your first loose teeth and your first visit from the tooth fairy.  The first tooth to go was a bottom front one, and then a second bottom front one right around Christmas.  You lost your first top front tooth right before Memorial Day and just like that, we’re going into 7 with three big teeth coming in and many more to follow!
·         Swimming without a life jacket – You actually started swimming without a life jacket when you were 6, last summer at the Outer Banks, but I’d say that it wasn’t until this summer that you really came into the intendance of swimming without it.  This summer you swim in the pool without it almost 100% but when we’re in deeper waters where there is more going on (like the lake) you still like the comfort of having it on and knowing you are good to go.  And…for that I am thankful! 
·         Sleepovers – Yep, first grade brought our first ever sleepovers with friends.  Of course you’ve been having sleepovers with us or with grandparent’s all over the country since you were born…but this year was your first time having a sleepover at a friend’s house (with parents I didn’t know!).  A big first for you and for me!  We’ve hosted sleepovers here now and you’ve been to Amelia’s house a handful of times this school year.  I love that you are getting to have this time to grow your friendships and explore a little more freedom.  I do NOT love how grumpy you are when you come home!  We have a pretty strict 7:30 bedtime in our household and most times we uphold that.  I have a feeling when you are at sleepovers its MUCH later and you are still getting up at your normal time meaning we do NOT get the best of you when you come home later in the day!  But, hopefully we’ll grow into that skill too.

·         Summer Camp – This summer we tried out summer camp for 1 week each month.  The Huntley Park District offers a great day camp and I thought you would LOVE having a few weeks where you were stuck with the “babies” at Brenda’s….a place where you could hang out with kids your age and swim and have activities and even field trips.  But, you just didn’t seem to LOVE it.  It’s not that you disliked it, not at all, but when I asked if you wanted to go for your third and final week you told me you’d rather go to Brenda’s with Hazel.  On the one hand, I’m so happy that you enjoy it there and that you like playing with your sister…on the other,  I thought you’d really enjoy some big kid time and I was looking to push you out of your comfort zone a little.  Much like bike riding though, you’ll tell me when you’re ready….and I’ll wait until then!

Favorite Outfit:  Unlike your sister, you just really do NOT care about clothes.  Every single morning I ask you if you want me to pick or if you want to pick and every single morning you have me do it.  So, I’ll enjoy that while it lasts and keep picking things that make me happy.  Like your Resist Like Ruth shirt, or your Harry Potter t-shirt.   I love you in little rompers and you are adorable in dresses!

Fears: Well, right now I’d say your biggest fear can be broadly categorized as trying new things.  It’s not that you won’t try, but you aren’t adventurous and you like to know what to expect.  Like bike riding for example….you can do it…you just don’t have the confidence to want to try it on your own.  You are timid and shy but you are SO smart and your little brain is going a mile a minute!

Favorite Movie:  I think your favorite movie might be the Nightmare Before Christmas….how strange!!  Daddy picked it up for you guys last fall at Walmart for like $5 and it’s often one of the first ones you grab when it’s your turn to pick a movie.  Other favorites include the live version of Beauty and the Beast and Trolls.  

A sweet story about you:  Since you get off the bus before I grab Hazel from daycare it means that we have some time each day in the car by ourselves.  Sometimes we use it to do homework, like spelling or reading and sometimes, when we're all caught up (or like now, in the summer...when we don't have homework) we just talk!  Little girl, it's turning into one of my favorite parts of the day with you.  Recently you started asking me "Mommy, what should we talk about?" and sweet girl, I hope you ask me this forever and ever.  I usually say "I don't know, what do you want to talk about" and then you usually tell me about your day or about a kid you interacted with or you ask me questions about something you don't understand.  I hope we keep having these little chats for the rest of your life!  I'm always here to listen sweet girl.

Height/Weight:  You are just short of 47 inches and you weigh 41 lbs.  Your 5 point harness car seat will fit you until you are 65 lbs which, at this rate will be just in time for you to start driving! HA!

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