Thursday, June 29, 2023

Dear Hazel (Age 8)

Haze, you are really the funniest, most unique little human.  You doesn’t give a F what anyone else thinks about you (please keep that attitude baby!) and you dance to the beat of your own drum.  The other day you told me that when you first met your new friends at camp everyone was sharing fun facts and you said “I showed everyone my curved pinkies and they thought it was so cool…I am the only one that has that talent!”.  Keep being weird sweet girl!

You’ve been practicing handstands for what seems like every hour on the hour and are nailing them better than I could ever hope to do!  You want to be an artist when you grows up and want to live in the house right next door.  You said your house will be shaped like a bunny, with ears and everything and the mouth is the front door.  You want to have a menagerie of animals (mostly bunnies) that live with you but you don’t want to get married or to have kids. And one thing you know for sure, it’s that you don’t need a real job.  Your job will be making art and people will pay you for that.  You said you don’t need health insurance or other things traditional job provide like vacation days or you know, pay checks.  You told me you’ve got this and honestly, I kinda believe you.  Keep that wild spirit and stays the course and you just might just pull it off.  I can’t wait to see what year 8 brings to us.

Favorite TV show:  “Bingo and Bluey”

Can you even believe that the kids STILL say Disney Junior shows are their favorites?  Abby too! And, it’s not for lack of options either.  At this point they have access to Netflix, Disney Junior, Amazon prime, HBO etc and after all that, those dang blue dogs from Australia rank at the top of their list of favorite shows.  I think if they came out with new Lion Guard episodes Hazel would be all over it and back into making the Pride Lands in her room night after night.  I love love love that they are still small in this way, and that they still like cartoons.  It goes too fast…of this I am sure.  

Bears or Packers? “Both”  

Of course – this is what Abby always says now too.  But, I take pride in knowing that the BOTH choose to wear Packers colors for “wear your favorite team” day at school recently.  I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact of laundry or that the green and gold outweighs the blue and orange options in their drawer.  HA!  Truthfully they do not actually care about this topic – but they DO like the rivalry between Ryan and I.

Favorite Food: “Donuts”

Mine too, Hazel.  Mine too.  Well, donuts, ice cream, popcorn and old fashioneds would top my list.  I think in addition to Donuts Hazel also loves cheese, bologna with bologna sauce (mayo), goldfish crackers, smore’s and trail mix (just to name a few of her current favorites).  Oh, and drumsticks ice cream.  

Some firsts this year:

I struggled to come up with some real “firsts” for Hazel over the last year.  Hazel wasn’t much help when I asked her to recount some first.  She said things like “the first time I ever wore these tie dye pjs to bed” or “the first time we jumped in the pool this summer”.  I don’t know if she quite gets the idea.  LOL!

But – here is a small lists of first for her 7th year!

  • ·  Big Girl Bike with gears – we got Hazel her first “big girl” bike with hand breaks and gears to change at the start of the summer.  It was supposed to be her big birthday present from us but, it turns out we had something else up our sleeve – more on that in a minute.  She’s been riding the bike for a few months now and I don’t think she’s mustered up the confidence to zoom down the big hill of the driveway the way she does on the wiggle waggle, but she’ll get there.  She jumps right on her new bike and is so excited to show people her gears.  Oh and Ryan just hooked up her wheel lights a few weeks ago (for nighttime riding in the campgrounds) and now she loves her bike even more!

  •  Sleepover at a friends – Hazel has been having sleepovers with our close friends for quite some time but just in the last few months she’s been invited over to her friend Maddy’s house for a real friend sleepover and she’s loving it!  We haven’t quite mastered the part where if you stay up too too lake you can’t be a total grump the next day…or maybe, instead, it’s better to just close your eyes and sleep at some point…but we’ll get there!  It’s been fun having a friend just down the street for easy get togethers and play dates. 

  • ·       A bunny!  - Yep, you read that right, by the time I hit post on this blog Hazel will know that we’ve finally made her wish come true and there is a bunny waiting for us on the back side of this vacation we’re on.  She’s been consistently asking for a bunny for over 2 years and she’s not waivered on her ask.  The hamsters were a test to see if they’d follow through on taking care of the animals, on cleaning cages, feeding animals, and most importantly wanting to continue to play with them.  The hammies were unexpectedly one of my favorite adds over the last few years so I’ve finally decided to give bunny raising a go.  We’ll see!  Ned, a male holland lop is headed our way in just a few days – made possible by the fact that Hazel asked for nothing other than “a bunny and everything it needs” from every single person she could get to listen.  So we’ve pooled our resources and gifts and everyone is working together to get her the things she needs for Ned.  Pictures to come soon!  I’m sure he’ll be a hit. 

Erin said it best when she said “Hazel is a real study in never giving up on her dreams” and honestly, if that’s what she learns out if this whole experience, that’s well worth the money and bunny turds! 

Favorite Toy: “Zoey”

Hazel’s favorite toy truly is Zoey (one of her many bunnies) but she has recently created her “snuggle friend group” which consists of Zoey, Dollie, Stripes, 3 frog lovies and then another random addition or two.  This snuggle friend group gets packed up and travels with her wherever she goes.  I think it came about after she left a friend or two along the way.  So she now knows exactly how many friends she’s got with her in tow on any given trip and she counts them when we’re headed back home to make sure she’s got the whole crew accounted for. 

Some other real hits this year are the robot dog she got for Christmas from Auntie and also her joke book.  Who knew the $8 “Jokes for Seven Year Olds” I grabbed off Amazon would be such a hit…but she’s commented more than once that it’s one of her favorite books and a favorite toy from Christmas.  Hey, I’ll take it!

Favorite Outfit:  “Dresses, especially long ones.”

This was 100% true for the last few years, but I’m seeing her pick them out less often.  We’ll see how now that we’ve entered into the warm summer months, but I’m seeing her picking out more shorts and t-shirts than she’s ever worn.  I love the dress phase though, so I’ll keep her dresser stocked with some good options and keep my fingers crossed that she start to pick them out each morning as we get ready for summer camp.


·       Magoo – I truly don’t know how this one came about but I consistently call her Magoo these days.  I’m sure it’s a Ryan-ism that has stuck in my head but I think it’s here to stay, at least for awhile!

·      Junebug – of the three nick names, I think this is the cutest one, though if I’m honest I don’t hear us using it that often.  This is her nickname for online profiles (which is a cute one…).

·      HayHay – this is all Abby, all the time.  I never call her this, but it’s probably the most screamed word in our house.  Yep, you read that right, we’ve got a lot of ‘tudes happening around the McGrath house these days but we’re not going to focus on the negative in this post.  Abby calls Hazel HayHay in good times and in bad.  It still cracks me up because all I see is that silly chicken from Moana…

A sweet story about you:  

Favorite Movie: “That’s a hard one…let’s see….”

I swear, that was her answer!  I don’t know that she’s really got one.  It’s not like it used to be where they’d ask for a movie on repeat….now I don’t even know if I can name the last movie they saw.  But, I can say some new movies that are out right now that I’m excited to show to the kids.  There is a new Mario Brothers animated movie out and also a live action Little Mermaid that has a lot of people talking right now.  I can’t wait to give them a watch myself.  We’ll see if they become fast favorites.  

Fears:   “The bad pigs.”

These dang bad pigs!  They’ve been her fear on this yearly post for quite a few years now.  I know she dreams about them again from time to time so I’m sure that’s helping to cement the story of this dream firmly in her brain.  I have a few recurring dreams like this from my childhood that I can replay right now in my brain if I want to.  I get it!

Favorite Color: “Purple.  And second is green.”

This answer hasn’t changed for years!  Purple and green…nothing less, nothing more.  She knows what she likes but she’s not upset if whatever the thing is isn’t purple or green.  At this point I think it’s just the answer to the question and less about actually caring about it.  I get that!  Don’t adults answer in this same way!?  LOL! 

Height/Weight:  4 feet (FINALLY, now you can ride the big rides!) and 49 lbs

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