Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sugar Cookies - Summer Edition

Did you know that I add tags (or labels) to each of my blog posts so that I can search things more easily?  So, for example I can search for any post that has Abby in it, or Holidays.  Who could have guessed back a year ago that I should have created a tag called Cookies?  Well, I think I'm going to have to go back through and tag quite a few posts now because I think pandemic sugar cookies are here to stay!

And, not only are they here to stay, but I've had to start doing cookie round up posts instead of a dedicated post for each batch.  LOL!  If nothing else, we're becoming pros and thoroughly enjoying the fruits of our labor!

So - this post includes our latest two batches - "summer" and "patriotic".  We made the summer batch at Hazel's request because her Kindergarten teacher loved the cookies so much she wanted to give her one last set before summer vacation.  We sent LOTS of cookies to school this year because, well, if they stay here at home, I'll eat them all single handedly.  We aren't quite sure what we did differently with this batch but the icing bled after it dried...they still tasted great though!

And, how can you go wrong with bomb pops??  Aren't these Memorial Day cookies fabulous?  Our favorite was the fancy star in the bottom of the next photo (Erin made that one).  We made the cookies and frosting ahead of time, but decorated these at the lake the Friday of Memorial Day.  We made a batch and a half, because the group is so big at the lake...and it was just the perfect amount!  I think people were a little afraid to eat them, because I sure did take some home with me after the weekend.  

These patriotic cookies might make another round for Labor Day but Erin and I have one more theme for summer we'll be trying out. You know, somewhere in between a 2 week trip to Yellowstone and Erin moving into a new condo - we'll fit it in somewhere!


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