Thursday, April 18, 2024

Riley Viking Award Winner


OMG!  Can you even believe how grown up Abby looks here!?  This past week we got notice that Abby had been awarded the Viking Award for her good grades and attitude at school.  Each month a boy and a girl from 6-8th grade is awarded the Viking Award.  They've been doing it for 25 years!  Abby was so honored and if I'm honest, I had more than one tear in my eye as Mr. Vicari read off the reason's she'd been nominated.  He was nice enough to share them with me, so they are written here below.  I am so proud to be her Mom!

Viking Award for March

6th Grade: Abby McGrath

Mrs. Wessel: Abby truly exemplifies what it means to be a model student. In the classroom,
her dedication to learning, willingness to ask thought-provoking questions, and ability to
collaborate seamlessly with her peers make her a truly standout student. She consistently
demonstrates strong character, empathy, and kindness toward classmates and staff alike; a
truly excellent example for her peers to follow. Her passion for science is evident in her
enthusiastic participation in experiments, her never-ending curiosity about the world around her,
and her consistent and thoughtful contributions to class discussions. I do not doubt that Abby
will continue to achieve great things throughout her time here at Riley, and I look forward to
working with her in the years to come. I am so proud of Abby's seamless transition to the middle
school setting and look forward to continuing to watch her grow! Congratulations Abby!

Mr. Hostetler (Band\Choir): Abby is an amazing musician! She plays flute in band,
guitar in rock band, and sings in the choir. She comes prepared and is ready to go for all
ensembles. She leads by example and is a true joy to teach students like her!

Ms. Moore: Abby is a kind and quiet student. She is always willing to help others and does a
wonderful job in art class!

Mrs. Long: Abby is a role model student. She is prepared for class and performs well in her
academics. She is polite and respectful to her teachers and peers. She participates in class and
cares about her academics. Her peers look to her for help as well in math class. Great overall
student! Keep up the great work Abby!

Mrs. Stratton: Abby had a sweet smile every morning for me! I loved it when we would have
a conversation, and she would nod her head and say, "Yeahhhh." It was so cute. She was a joy
to have in class. Also, her cursive was amazing!!

Mr. Zimmer: Abby is a joy to have in class. Her intelligence and eagerness to learn is what every
teacher loves. She does a great job paying attention in class, turns in quality work and actively

Mrs. Mortimer: Abigail is such a sweet young lady. She brings brightness to the class with
her smile and kindness. She works very hard and is always willing to give a helping hand. I enjoy
our many conversations together even though she needs to remind me all the time that she is a
Packers Fan! Abby is respectful to all those around her.
Mrs. Hernandez: Abigail is a kind and compassionate young woman. Her quiet
kindness does not go unnoticed. Abigail is also organized and well-prepared for

Mr. Rogers: Abigail is one of the nicest students I have at Riley. She's a joy to have in class
and is always so nice and respectful. Abigail is most definitely deserving. Congrats Abby!!

Mrs. Schueler: Earning the Viking Award is an honor but to have earned it as a 6th grade
shows everyone that you are on the path of greatness. In fifth grade, you were always eager to
learn and to help others around you. When I think back to last year, I remember you sitting on
the edge of your seat, leaning forward, and a smile on your face. You were such a joy to have in
class. Congrats!

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