Saturday, December 23, 2023

Ritterbusch Christmas


We smashed so many holiday celebrations into such a short period of time - there are some of the best days of the entire year and I'm so thankful we get to spend them with our families.  We started Christmas break off with a bang!  I picked the kids up from school and we left straight away to Freeport for my parent's traditional Christmas Eve party.  

It's been a few years since we've had one (thanks Covid...) but this year we brought it back and it filled my heart with joy and love.  I love seeing all the old friends from Freeport.  I should really call them family, they are the adults and friends I grew up with my entire life.  

We even got a special guest this year!  Uncle Joe came down to spend the weekend with us.  It was so great to have him there and for the kids to get to know him better.   We opened presents, at pigs in a blanket and dumplings, drank fancy cocktails and laughed until our bellies hurt.  We watched football, decorated a tree for the outdoor cabin and generally enjoyed the weekend.

The gift of the year was the neon name signs Mom and Dad got for the big girls - Abby told me it was her third favorite gift of the season - LOL!  

One of my personal favorite parts of the weekend was when Santa surprised us all by visiting and fully decorating the cabin in the woods.  He had the whole thing decked out in lights and even brought stockings for everyone!  It was such a fun, cute way to end the evening.  I hope he does that every year!

1 comment:

  1. The holiday season crammed with joyous gatherings and cherished traditions rejuvenates our spirits. From the bustling Christmas Eve party in Freeport, reconnecting with lifelong friends felt like a family reunion. Uncle Joe's visit added warmth to the festivities, creating lasting memories for the kids. The laughter, games, and delicious food made every moment special. The neon name signs brought unexpected delight, with Abby even ranking it among her top gifts. Grateful for these treasured moments with loved ones, illuminated by the glow of holiday cheer.
