Friday, November 8, 2019

Halloween 2019 - otherwise known as that time it showed 6 inches on Halloween

Well guys, we did it!  We trick or treated, in family Halloween costumes in 25 degree weather and 6 inches of snow.  Last year when the kids begged Ryan and I to dress up for trick or treating we were the only dressed up adults.  So, we set down ground rules for 2019 that included mandatory family costumes for our group.

I wanted to be A League of Their Own...I mean, come on, we have three girls and one Tom cute would that be?  Turns out Ryan said the kids wouldn't understand the reference (he was right), the girls wanted to be witches...and, those costumes would have been horrible in the snow, so we landed as Hocus Pocus. 

Of course the kids were too small for the cute licensed costumes so we went with these cute light up numbers from Walmart.  Ryan was Binx the cat (tell me, why do guys always get the warm, comfortable costumes!?) and I was Bette Midler trying to pull our rag tag group costume together with a good wig and a "real" Sanderson Sister costume.  Well, at least the pictures turned out cute!!

Our group was ADORABLE walking down the street...albeit cold!  The Brackemyers went as the Wizard of Oz (yes, for anyone that recognized it...that IS an old Sally Ritterbusch original Jamie is wearing.  I was a scarecrow long ago and boy do some of those old costumes come in handy!).

The Rasmussen's were the characters from Up.  You can't quite see them in the picture, but Hattie was even carrying a cute little bundle of balloons.  That is until she promptly let them go about 3 houses in, JUST before we were able to snap this adorable group picture below.  Amazingly, she didn't shed a tear, just watched them disappear into the sky and moved on.  I think the candy helped!

All in all, I can't say trick or treating was a "success" this year.  I mean, it happened, which is a miracle, but it was cold, and wet and the power wheels didn't do well in the snow...the kids lasted for probably less than an hour and there were some tears...but, it is what it is.  Maybe next year will be our year?!?  Oh, and, get ready for it...Halloween 2020 is a whole group costume.  Now we just have to figure out what we can do with NINE total girls and 3 guys.  Any ideas!?!

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