Thursday, January 21, 2021

Horseback Riding Lessons


Ever since we moved to Marengo, well, probably Hampshire, Ryan's been wanting to get the kids into horseback riding lessons.  Well, this month it finally became a reality!  Hazel was finally old enough, and Abby was finally interested enough to make it worth the time and money to give it a try.

Right after Christmas I did some Googling to see what was close by and we found a stable that is literally right up the road.  This Momma is very excited about the idea of doing lessons just 5 minutes away!  Most lessons for us, ballet, swim, gymnastics...whatever it's been, have been 30 minutes away.  One of the few drawbacks of living where we do means it takes quite a few miles to get to most things.  I'm not complaining, but I am excited that we're really quite close to the barn we found.

For now each girl takes private lessons for 30 minutes each.  Once they are skilled enough to ride solo we'll combine them together into a group class (likely still just the two of them) and they'll ride for an hour.  Both kids seems super excited about the lessons.  Hazel seems strong enough to do most of the things, including posting, but her tiny little legs are so short it's hard for her to clear the saddle.  Abby on the other hand, my sweet noodle Abby....her muscles need some work.  

Our first day of lessons coincided with Stella's 7th birthday party, which, happened to be horseback riding lessons.  So, on their first day of lessons we had back to back horse activities.  The girls absolutely loved exploring the two barns...pettings, combing and riding the horses...and probably most of all, the barn cats running around.  

So - we'll be seeking out horseback riding on our trip to Yellowstone this summer.  I'll be the only one in the family who is an inexperienced horseback rider.  Which, I'm sure will bring much entertainment to Ryan and the girls!

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