Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hazel's Birthday Party

Hazel's birthday was a few weeks ago, but I'm finally getting around to sharing some of the pictures.  Birthday's this year feel different, but they are still worth celebrating!  We did our best to make her feel special and, at the end of the day, isn't that what we all wish for on our birthdays?

2020 will forever be known in our house as the year of the Lego.  I've written about the girls new love for Legos in past blog posts but this is a trend that is still going strong around our house.  This Lego boat was a big birthday request from Hazel after she spent 20 minutes looking at Amazon with me.  Another new request happening in our house, is to "shop" Amazon.  It's crazy to watch the girls as I scroll through, them shopping with excitement as they see new toy after new toy - basically its exactly what adults must look like when their eyes glaze over as they start clicking the "add to cart" button.  Not necessarily a habit I'll be encouraging often, but it DOES make making birthday lists faster!

Of course Auntie scored the most entertaining gift of the day - this giant unicorn sprinkler.  I'm not sure who had more fun with it...the kids - who thought the water was cold....or us adults - who spent upwards of 30 minutes filming boomerangs in front of the dang thing.  

Either way - this sucker has already gotten a lot of use this summer and the birthday girl loves it!

And, it wouldn't be a McGrath kid birthday without their special "cupcakes" from Grandpa.  Ellyn started this tradition back on Abby's first birthday and I think she'd be proud of us for keeping it going.  This year the cupcake turned into a small cake (Dan's normal bakery is closed right now).  But he's on the hunt for another cupcake store that will customize decorations for Abby's birthday, which, is right around the corner.

This year Hazel's "cupcake" featured a narwhal to go along with the Narwhal Lego set she got from Grandpa.  See, told you those things were a hit these days!

OH!  And I forgot about the ice cream maker ball Abby got for Hazel!  It's pretty cool, albeit a little messy.  You put all the ingredients in that orange ball, then ice and ice cream salt in the other end, and you shake/roll for 20 minutes and wallah!  Ice cream!   I think we need to make a few more batches before I can perfect the technique, but it's a fun summer activity to add to our list.

But, my favorite part of the day was getting this gem of a picture with my sweet Hazel girl.  She's growing up too fast and I'm so thankful to be her Mom!  

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