Monday, February 26, 2018

Valentines Day Dance 2018

One of the things about Abby being our first child to go to school, means we often have NO CLUE what to expect when it comes to school functions.  Like, don't even ask me about the first week of school.  I spent the first 2 months of Kindergarten feeling like I had no clue what was going on. Shoot, I still feel that way!  But, slowly but surely we're getting through the year and by the time Hazel comes through we'll know just what to expect.  Well, the Valentines Day dance was no different.  First off, the REAL dance was canceled a few weeks ago due to a big snow storm that came through.  Abby was so bummed to miss it (and to sad she couldn't take her Valentines Day cookies I'd bought to send along) that when we saw the note come home that it was rescheduled, and we were actually going to be home for it, I was sure it would be a hit.

Well, apparently, it was a hit, until they actually got there.  First off though, isn't Ryan so cute in these pictures.  It's so rare that he dresses up, I thought it was so sweet when he asked if I thought he should wear a suit.  I told him he probably didn't need to, but it would be sweet if he did.  That it would make it feel special to Abby.  Well, turns out, he was the ONLY guy in a suit there.  Ryan is NEVER the overdressed one, so I'm sure he felt like a fish out of water.

Apparently it was sort of a free-for-all with all the little kids just running around screaming and super loud music.  There was very little parent/kid dancing happening and even less for Abby because she was all caught up that she didn't win a raffle prize.  Of course some of her friends had found glow sticks somewhere and she didn't have one so that was a huge catastrophe as well.  Abby's good at a lot of things, but getting over something (or just putting it out of her mind) is NOT one of them.  Ryan said she spent most of the dance grumping around that she didn't have XYZ and saying she wasn't having any fun.  Boo!!

At least she looked excited on the front end!  They ended up leaving a little early and Abby and I had a talk about being thankful and grateful and about how only you get to pick your attitude.  I guess, we'll call it a learning experience and keep our fingers crossed that next year goes a little smoother.

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