Sunday, March 2, 2025

Winter Crafts


The winter months are some of my best months for quilting and crafting in general.  This year was no exception.  This Irish Chain quilt is for Maddie and Ruben's wedding shower in just about a month or so.  I knew it would be tight, so as soon as we had the Christmas train off the pool table I started cutting fabric.  I was a little worried that this one would look a little too Valentines Day-y but, in the end I'm super happy with how it turned out.  Thanks to strip piecing, this came together pretty quickly for as small as the squares are.  There are thousands of 2.5x2.5 inch squares in this quilt - but I absolutely love the finished product! Up next, quilting and binding.  

(Jan 5)

This blanket I started back in September and admittedly it felt like slow going through the fall/holiday season but I had a lot of quilt binding I was doing then too.  But, in the last month or so it feels like this one has really taken off and I'm making great progress.  I think about about 3/4 of the way through it now and I know it'll go quick from here.  I already have my next knit blanket picked out and purchased so I just need to keep powering through this one.  I don't know who it's going to just yet, but I know I'll find a home for it!

(Feb 6)

(Feb 28)

(Feb 9) 

As soon as I packed up the Irish Chain quilt to send to Kristy, I started into this one.  I love it when I am inspired by a pattern/fabric and can roll the momentum of a recent finish right into the next one.  This one came together pretty quickly too!

(Feb 17)

(March 2)

Less than a month to get a fully pieced top and a quilt that's ready to head to the quilter.  I just had the kids check the mailbox and I've got another new fabric set here on the table as I type up this post so I'll probably hold off on mailing this pink/yellow one until the new one is finished too.  Save on the mailing costs :)   The best part of it is that I'll have some completed quilts ready to gift when weddings/babies etc come up.  I love having a thing or two already ready to go because it takes the pressure of the timeline off and because it means that I get to work on projects I really love.