This year we decided we were going to figure out how to ski twice with the kids so they could finally have some muscle memory, and maybe be faster to remember that it's not scary and that they enjoy it. Our plan was to ski this weekend with Betsy and Pat and Jamie/Zach. But, the weather had other plans. Friday evening it started to snow heavily around 3 or 4 pm, just as everyone was loading up and hitting the road to make their way to Apple Canyon for the weekend.
By around 6pm we got a call from Betsy that she and Pat were turning around and heading back home. The roads were too bad, the snow was coming down too hard and it had taken them 2 hours to go only maybe 45 miles. It was such a bummer that they couldn't join us too. I was so looking forward to a weekend away with them. But, one thing we know is that traveling with Jamie and family is SUPER easy for us. Jamie and I have been traveling together for 30 years and we're good at it.
These four kids are so great together, actually, that applies to us adults too - LOL! It's always low stress, low drama, tons of fun and we always leave with great memories. We spent way longer than I expected on the ski hill that day. Admittedly, I was fully done skiing around 3pm but Lucy had finally found her stride and was ready to try the real hills. I couldn't quit at that point, but believe me, I was getting the the whining phase where I was cold and tired and ready for a cocktail. We made it til around 5pm and finally called it quits.
We were short on dinner plans because Betsy and family was in charge of dinner for Saturday so we ended up at a bar and I felt warm for the first time all day. We ordered mini-tacos, french fries, wing, beers, old fashioneds (two for me....shhhhhh!). Why are those things notable? Well, Jamie and I have been on a pretty restrictive diet/workout plan since January and it was the first cheat - and I don't regret a MOMENT of it.
Sunday it was cold! Cold and very windy. Zach and Ryan got up early with the bigs and took them ice fishing. They didn't catch anything, but the kids had fun regardless. After breakfast we did a quick run of sledding before heading home. All in all, minus being down one family, the weekend was a success!