Thursday, September 5, 2013

Messy messy

Back when Abby was born, her godparents, Chris and Brenna, got her a baby book that I've been diligently filling out for her.  I love the book because its the perfect mix of sentimental and fun.  And, the front cover has spaces for 12 pictures (one for each month) which fits perfectly with my weekly photo project.  Anyways, one of the pages has you describe a time when she got REALLY messy eating something new.  So, when we were on vacation a few weeks back and ordered a PB&J for Abby at lunch, I knew I had the winner for that baby book page!  Look at that face!

She looks so smug and happy with herself in this one.  The lighting did a poor job of showing off just how gross she was after eating (read: smearing) that sandwich EVERYWHERE!  I mean, it was all over the chair and table, on her clothes, on the undersides of her arms, on her legs, even her shoes!  What can you do?  She loved it and it kept her happy and full.  And, the best part was that since it was in the restaurant, I only had a baby to clean up, instead of having her and the whole kitchen to deal with.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Go Pack Go!!!

Some people use Labor Day to mark the end of summer.  The last weekend of lakes, boats, swimming suits and summer vacations.  But, I choose to look on the positive side and use Labor Day to mark the beginning of my most favorite time of year.  FALL and Football!!!

True, many of you aren't quite ready to give up the flip flops and tanks yet, but I'm ready to bust out my fall wardrobe as we speak and the cool temperatures last night were perfect!!  We left our windows and doors open last night and it was so chilly that I got up to add another blanket on the bed around 4am.

While we were at the lake we staged this little photo shoot with the two cutest baby models around.  And, what could be cuter than these babies in Packers jerseys??

Ryan and Andy both had a hard time seeing their little girls in the famous green and gold...but Abby and I, we were loving it!

In all fairness, I'll probably do a similar shoot with Abby in a Bears clothes here soon.  I'm thinking at least one or two of these are going in frames around the McGrath house!

I simply can not wait until football season starts this weekend!!  Pack plays at 3....Bears at noon!!  Come on Sunday, you can't get here fast enough.